SGOC - Sousa Guedes, Oliveira Couto & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL

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With more than 20 years of consolidated practice, Sousa Guedes, Oliveira Couto & Associados is a Law Firm that provides legal advice to corporate and private clients in the most diverse and expressive areas of Law.

Sousa Guedes, Oliveira Couto & Associados develops its activity in a pragmatic way, through a multidisciplinary and integrated team, focused on providing its professional services in a timely and efficient manner, in permanent collaboration with its clients.

  • About us

    Founded in 1999, the Firm integrates a specialized team in the most relevant areas of Law.

  • Highlights

    Partners of SGOC are once again appointed by best lawyers

  • Legal Consultation

    Schedule your legal consultation with one of our lawyers.